Ramon Kisoor's life story

My name is Ramon Kisoor. When this site was made in 2009 I was 42 years young, and i had traveled a road that has formed my life over the last 20 years.   This site describes my way of life, to deal with the amalgam poisoning I have from birth.

A Message for All The “Crazy Conspiracy Theorists” and Healers of The World

:: Amalgam ::

:: Diagnose MS ::

:: Essence ::

Genocide world wide



Amalgam ist das größte Verbrechen an der Menschheit
Erbe von Dr.med.Dr.med.habil Max Daunderer http://www.toxcenter.org/

"Multiple Sclerose syndrome (or it symptomes due to mercury /  amalgam poisoning) i had since i was born"

...continue reading

I have detoxified my body, (still busy after 20 years..) I have adapted my life's pattern, diet and eating habits. Refuel the shortages in my body in the area of vitamins, minerals and oils every day,

...continue reading






English version

Biography >>>



Ramon Kisoor

42 jaar


Het binnenste oog...

de Romeinen werden ook “gek” van hun zware metaal vergiftiging, loden waterleiding stelsel en dergelijk

Multiple Sclerose

Veel onderzoeken gehad waarna men mij vertelde dat ik Multiple Sclerose heb.....