TV Reports:
(Dutch language) "The dangers of Amalgam-tooth-fillings / Mecury poisoning / Silver tooth fillings" PROOF:
SMOKING TEETH - POISON GAS 001 Complete 28 minuten
David Kennedy, DDS Doctor of Dental Surgery
"Duitstalig Radio Interview 2005 mit Dr med habil Max Daunderer ber Amalgam boek giften im altagh"
URL's with references to Amalgam/ Mercury / Multiple Sclerose:
(Dutch language)
"Poison in your mouth" Guido Jonkers (c) 2010/"
Fax NMT "Dutch Foundation to promote Dentistry" regarding to MERCURY/AMALGAM
"European Laboratory for Nutrients" located in Bunnik, Netherlands:
MELISA Medica Foundation MS-amalgam:
Amalgam Info English
Amalgam Info German language:
Scientific documents / information from Prof. Dr. Gustav Drasch (Toxicology) from the "Der Klinikum der Universiteit Munchen":
Dr. Max Daunderer own website, One of the most famous /Know Klinial Toxicologist / Internist / "Umwelt Arts" in Germany:
"Diagnostik und richtige Entgiftung bei Zahn- und Wohngiften, Eiterfolgen, Allergien, Autoimmunkrankheiten und Organschaden"
With references / links to about 163 literature, books, and 35 educational books.
Mercury / Amalgam health damage during pregnancy proof:
"Dental silver removal during pregnancy cause early baby death"
Youtube - Klinical Toxicologist Dr. Max Daunderer:
Institute for Neurobiology - Dr. Klinghardt
Contains evidence from practitioners all over the world
"Academy for Intergrative Medicine, Dental medicin, and Consiousness technologies"